01 Jan 2008
Happy 2008
When this is published (not written, I have better things to do on New Years Eve :-)) 2008 has started here in The Netherlands. A good moment to look back at my previous Dillema post. Thanks a lot to everybody who read it (and many did according to the stats) and especially those who commented. Some people also sended in their comment via the email. As you can read yourself all comments were positive. It really helped me to realize that letting go with Dorgem would be a real shame.
Therefore I decided to try to make 2008 a good year for Dorgem!
To comment on some of the comments and emails.
- Dorgem is an open source program. Is has always been and will always be. In the help file of Dorgem2 is a explanation why and it is still valid.
- Therefore the C++ source of Dorgem are available, even of the current pre-alpha version. You can download it at http://dorgem.sourceforge.net/test/
- I know that time is valuable thing. Family time is, and will remain, important.
So, what’s next. The first thing to do is to add threading. The FTP storage has to go in a separate thread and should not bother the GUI, like with Dorgem2. I think that is an important thing to do. And since I have not used threads that much, not the most easy task.
I will put the sources in the CVS or SVN at the SourceForge project page soon. People asked for this and hopefully this will encourage people to submit patches.
I need help from someone who wants to try to compile the Dorgem3 sources under Linux. Dorgem is written using the wxWidgets framework and the wxVidCap component I’m using has support (although limited) for Video4Linux. I have no specific experience to compile things with Linux. A automake scripts has to be written and v4l has to be tested and maybe the wxVidCap component has to be extended.
Other things like the DirectShow implementation and a streaming web server has to be done, but one step at the time. So watch this space for more updates.
Thank you very much for not letting Dorgem die!! I'm not a programmer, so I can't help with the coding. I'll try any Alpha or Beta versions on my Vista laptop, if it'll help!
Please accept my gratitude for this software and the precious time that you devote to the project.
This sounds great! All hope is not lost
Do you really think Dorgem may run on Linux some day? I recently switched my server from Windows to Linux and now my weather cam can't run because I can't find a suitable program in Linux that does what Dorgem did
I'd be happy to try to compile the sources but I'm not very proficient in Linux so I'm not sure...