Saturday I couldn’t run the regular training because we had to pickup Menno from his Scouting Camp. He had a great camp! They had to help get rid of ghosts and needed help from a Ghostbuster.

Yesterday some people of KèkWèk did a endurance training. The plan was to run from the center of The Hague to Clingendael and Meijendel and back. To Clingendael and back was 8 km, all the way to Meijendel and back was about 17 km. My initial plan was to run the 8 km route, but at the split I decided to stay with the group for a little while and return somewhat later. But before I knew it, we were at the furthest point in Meijendel. Then there was no way to return earlier. I had to go all the way and that meant 17 km. But I never had run more then an hour or more the 10 km.

The last kilometers my legs did hurt, there was not much speed anymore and had to walk a bit more but I did complete the 17 km. Yesterday evening my muscles did hurt a lot less and today it is almost gone. So after all, I’m quite pleased with the run. It was a bit long, but apparently not too much!